It is, May 17, 2017, official release day of my new novel, STRANDED: A STORY OF FRONTIER SURVIVAL. As with so many things in life, the lead-up has threatened to eclipse the moment. In STRANDED’s case, momentum has built steadily and I am quite pleased by early reviews praising the book. Here’s a sampling (note my lack of humility):
“This is Mayo’s best book yet.”
“… one of the BEST books I’ve ever read…. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED is an understatement!”
“A remarkable, must-read novel.”
“Stranded has the feel of a classic….”
“Highly recommended.”
“A riveting read from the very first compelling sentence to the last.”
“… his finest work of fiction to date….”
It’s not too late to find out for yourself—the book’s available at various online outlets (and still at a discounted price!). Or why not pester your librarian to order a copy for your local community?
Order your copy today: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound | Powell’s