Interviews/Guest Spots:
Author interview in Wild West Magazine.
Guest blog post at Wonders & Marvels.
Interview at Vermont Public Radio.
Interview in Lowestoft Chronicle, Issue #16.
Interview at Henry’s Western Round-up.
Reviewed and interviewed at Buddies in the Saddle.
I get spurred and branded at Western Fiction Review.
Talking about writing at Booklife, Interviews:
Grizzly Wrestling: Matthew P. Mayo on the Writing Life and Mauled by Grizzlies: Matthew P. Mayo on Writing the West.
Here it is: The Manliest Podcast Interview Ever!
It is indeed a meeting of the minds at Education of a Pulp Writer.
I play 7 Questions with David Cranmer at Gutter Books.
An interview, as part of Black Horse Westerns Weekend: The Tainted Archive.