Tucker's Reckoning Audiobook

Well sir, it could be the chili speakin’ … or it could be the audiobook version of my recent novel, Tucker’s Reckoning. (Let’s assume for the moment that it’s the latter…. )

This unabridged version on seven CDs, by Recorded Books, lasts for 8.5 hours! I had no idea I was so windy (and no, I’m still not talkin’ about chili). It’s narrated by the actor Mark Zeisler, and from the sound of it, he did a dandy job.

I believe it’ll be for sale at the usual online outlets before too long (I’m told digital and cassette versions are coming soon, too.) I expect this package is primarily intended for sale to libraries, which still do a brisk trade in audiobooks. At any rate, I’m pleased as punch to have this great new version of the book available.

Now, back to the chili….