Pub. Date: May 16, 2018
A high-country train trek turns into a blizzard-bound trainwreck-from-hell for Roamer as a gang of gunmen run roughshod on the rails. They blow the safe, abscond with a mysterious young woman, and torch the train, leaving passengers to burn in the midst of a blizzard. Trailing death in its wake, the gang heads to the high country with Roamer dogging them on foot, the only man bold enough to track them—until he’s joined by his cantankerous old mentor, tough-as-nails mountain man Maple Jack. The men converge on the gang in the mountain valley ghost town of Sapphire City, and drive them beyond . . . deep into the maw of a fresh and vicious blizzard that unleashes its merciless might. With righteous rage and hard justice their only allies, Roamer and Maple Jack prepare for a final showdown at . . . Timberline.
Five Star Publishing: 200 pages, May, 2018, Hardcover
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound | Powell’s
“Filled with colorful phrases, touches of humor, and terse descriptions, this white-knuckle novel is hard to put down. Mayo tells the story with authority. He knows mountain survival. And he knows how to spin a tale.”