THE OUTFIT (BOOK 2): BLOOD AND ASHES Hot off the presses and up for grabs! That’s right, folks, THE OUTFIT, aka, that bar-brawling, wrong-righting, cigar-chomping gang of malcontents—Rafe Barr, Cookie McGee, Black Jack Smith, Doc “Deathbed” Jones, and more!—just...
That’s right, chums, that bar-brawling, wrong-righting, cigar-chomping gang of malcontents I introduced in October, 2016, in THE OUTFIT (Book 1): TO HELL AND BACK are riding hard and taking chances in the sequel, THE OUTFIT (Book 2): BLOOD AND ASHES, which releases on...
I’m pleased (Pleased? Bah! I’m downright giddy, I tell ya!) to announce my newest novel, NORTH OF FORSAKEN: A Roamer Western, officially released today! — Wednesday, January 18, 2017 — by Five Star Publishing, in both hardcover and ebook versions. NORTH OF FORSAKEN...